
Zenshifting is the art of returning to a mind that is cleared of anything other than the next step in the exercise the practitioner is undertaking. By controling breathing and focus Zenkyokushin practitioners are in a state of constant awareness of their surroundings and the inner self. Dhyāna, the meditative state of thought, is implemented  to withdraw the mind from the automatic responses to sense-impressions, and leads to a "state of perfect equanimity and awareness (upekkhā-sati-parisuddhi).

This state can only be reached by many hours of training and exposing oneself to senses and interruptions to become unbroken by them. The most efficient path to become desensitized is different for every individual person and this is the specialty of Hanshi Matulessy, the classes are small and the teachings crafted direct to the needs of every student. To get to the best resuts for every student Hanshi Matulessy finds the best rithm and learningspeed for every practitioner so that that person teaches himself to return to the meditation on his next move or technique with steady balance in body and mind. The result will be a hopefully perfect execution of Kata and Pinan and other prerequisites for furtherment in the teachings. These new states of mind are carried into other aspects of life and help people to focus on jobs at hand and mindfull interactions with their realations. One of the most important contents of the Zen Dhyāna is the understanding that the only thing that is permanent is change. Zenshifting is and should always be a force for good. Based on the premisse that acting and thinking as one whole being feels good. For a more comprehensive look at the 10 stages of Zen- buddhisme look in our video page, there is an one-and-a-half hour in-depth look at the Ox of fundamental wholeness, the original face of enilghtenment. In Zenkyokushin we work through these stages of complete surrender with the help of personal guidance and personal spitituality.